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  • 🏔️ LxI #009: Don't Let Your Workload Overwhelm You. Why You Need a Strong System

🏔️ LxI #009: Don't Let Your Workload Overwhelm You. Why You Need a Strong System

Learn From My Mistakes

Read Time: 2.5 mins

I missed my newsletter deadline.

It was last Saturday morning. I was sitting my 2-year-old down for breakfast. As she proceeded to throw her oatmeal around like a one-sided food fight, I suddenly remembered; “I forgot to publish today”. My gut dropped.

At that moment, I quickly learned that my publishing plans were weaker than my attempts to keep my dress shirt clean during a meal with a toddler. I needed a stronger system - and a dry cleaner.

Systems remember what we forget.

Without systems, our best-laid plans are likely to fall apart.

When we build strong systems, we can rest easy knowing that we’ve done the heavy lifting on the front end of our process. When you’ve got a plan in place, you are less likely to be stressed or scrambling at the last minute.

So, here’s how you and I can go about setting up these systems for ourselves:

#1. Get clear on your goals.

Clear objectives are key to the foundation of any good system.

Setting aside some time to get clear on why you’re doing something and what you want to achieve specifically is incredibly helpful. It’s amazing what you’ll learn when you question your motivation.

#2. Break it down.

To do the big things well, we need to understand the small things first.

Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help make your workload feel more achievable and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Write down all the sub-tasks that go into your big goal. Then, use your favorite calendar or app to schedule those sub-tasks to make sure they get done!

#3. Find a tool- and use it like crazy.

It’s amazing what things you can automate.

Content Creators, Marketers, and TikTokers know this. So should we. We live in an age of amazing software, apps, and physical tools that can help us streamline processes. After finding a tool you like, you can even batch-create tasks or content and set your workflow on autopilot. (Shoot me a message if you’re looking for recommendations- I’ve got a ton!)

Setting up systems for yourself may take some time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. By taking a proactive approach to manage your workload, you can feel more in control, achieve your goals, and avoid the stress and frustration that come with missed deadlines and disorganization.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to keep up with your workload, take a step back and assess your systems. With some intentional planning and effort, you can set yourself up for success and ensure that you don't miss any important deadlines - even when your 2-year-old is throwing oatmeal around!

P.S. Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter for more content like this.